Rapidly connect to existing back office systems easily with routeMASTER web services. This enables automatic syncing of job data between systems and also enables the routing algorithms to be utilised in your existing platform.

Use your existing TMS solution and benefit from the routeMASTER job dispatch solution with advanced routing and scheduling algorithms.

We have created several universal interfaces to connect to off the shelf solutions such as Stirling. With Stirling for example, our interface system first imports all job statuses, accounts and addresses. Then ongoing;  all accounts, addresses, jobs and loads are automatically transferred into routeMASTER without any user intervention. This allows jobs to be dispatched to drivers in cab screens automatically. Additionally it allows for loads and routes to be built and checked in routeMASTER showing the route viability and route margins at the time of planning.

We are constantly adding off the shelf support for existing platforms, please contact us for more information.

The routeMASTER advanced routing and scheduling algorithms are used by our customers to optimise their fleet using their own dispatch and TMS platform.

routeMASTER has one of the fastest route calculation and route optimising systems available.

routeMASTER can optimise the sequence of 1500 stops in 90 seconds.

routeMASTER can optimise tens of thousands of jobs in minutes giving the optimum sequence of stops and the lowest number of vehicles and miles to complete all work within time windows and within drivers working hours.



planner Dispatch tracking api