- routeMASTER Tracking
Oakley Industrial Services, the facility management and construction specialists, report improved vehicle utilisation and more accurate job scheduling since fitting the routeMASTER tracking system supplied by AGM Telematics.
“We started with the system about a year ago” says Director Natalie Clarke, “with the aim of improving the way we allocate vehicles to particular assignments. Previously we would spend quite a lot of time trying to locate drivers and would have to calculate when they could get to the next job.”
We have the ability to switch vehicles from job to job with no uncertainty regarding the optimum route to take. We can also keep tabs on individual driving history and always know how long each driver has been behind the wheel.
Now, Natalie and the team can monitor each vehicles movements in real time from the moment they switch the engine on until the end of the day. This, according to Natalie, helps to maintain cost effective journey plans, reduce time wastage and save fuel. Furthermore, the traffic office can provide customers with accurate and instant ETA information at any time.
“For every project” concludes Natalie Clarke, “we provide detailed risk and method statements along with safety planning and security provision. Accuracy and safety lies at the heart of what we do and it makes good sense to bring our fleet control in line with general policy. Certainly, the routeMASTER system provides a number of benefits in this regard and it fits well with our overall approach of supplying a reliable and efficient backup service in the field.”Oakley Industrial Services is based in the Midlands and provides a nationwide service which covers all aspects of facility management including roof maintenance and gully clearing, fall protection, drain jetting, general facade maintenance and wall cladding. Oakley Industrial Services, the facility management and construction specialists, report improved vehicle utilisation and more accurate job scheduling since fitting the routeMASTER tracking system supplied by AGM Telematics.